Medical research

Robot-delivered speech and physical therapy

(Medical Xpress)—In one of the earliest experiments using a humanoid robot to deliver speech and physical therapy to a stroke patient, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst saw notable speech and physical ...


Wireless, implanted sensor broadens range of brain research

A compact, self-contained sensor recorded and transmitted brain activity data wirelessly for more than a year in early stage animal tests, according to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health. In addition to allowing ...


SMART Arm helps stroke survivors recover faster

(Medical Xpress)—A non-robotic device that helps stroke survivors regain upper limb movement is expected to be commercially available in Australia within the next 12 months.


Helping the body and brain welcome bionic limbs and implants

Not that long ago, the concept of the bionic human seemed far-fetched, but wearable robotic suits, brain-controlled extra limbs and mind-operated wheelchairs are now under active development. They bring the dream of human-machine ...

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