Psychology & Psychiatry

The more competitive, the more passionate in romantic relationships

Americans are more passionate toward their romantic partners than Japanese people are because Americans live in social environments in which people have greater freedom to choose and replace their partners, a team of Japanese ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Discrimination harms your health—and your partner's

Discrimination not only harms the health and well-being of the victim, but the victim's romantic partner as well, indicates new research led by a Michigan State University scholar.

Psychology & Psychiatry

A fear of getting dumped kills romance and commitment

Can the fear of a relationship ending actually lessen love and cause a break-up? If yes, how does it happen? These were the questions that Simona Sciara and Giuseppe Pantaleo of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Relationship science: How can couples keep moving forward

For some couples in romantic relationships, just staying together is good enough. But others want to see their relationship move forward—to get better and better—and are willing to put in the effort to get there.

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