
Many US shoppers choose low-salt fare

(HealthDay)—About a third of Americans say they specifically buy foods labeled "low" or "reduced salt or sodium" when they're grocery shopping, a new study finds.


Electronic monitoring device may help lower salt intake

Using an electronic monitoring device may help heart failure patients and their families stick to a low-salt diet, according to research presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2014.


US city tries less salt in Chinese restaurant food

Organizers have recruited more than 200 restaurants across Philadelphia for the U.S. city's Healthy Chinese Takeout Initiative, which aims to reduce the food's salt content by 10 percent to 15 percent.


Research reveals high levels of salt in UK restaurant meals

Meals at high street and celebrity chef chain restaurants have been shown to contain high levels of salt which would warrant a red traffic light label in a supermarket, according to research published today to launch National ...


New research reveals cheese saltier than seawater

New research from CASH (Consensus Action on Salt and Health) at Queen Mary, University of London, has revealed the unnecessarily high levels of salt in a staple of the country's shopping baskets – cheese.

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