
Good hydration may reduce long-term risks for heart failure

Staying well-hydrated may be associated with a reduced risk for developing heart failure, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health. Their findings, which appear in the European Heart Journal, suggest ...


Use of salt substitute to prevent stroke saves costs

Among individuals with prior stroke or uncontrolled high blood pressure, replacing regular salt with salt substitute is a cost-saving intervention for reducing the risk for stroke, according to a study published online March ...


How to eat less salt

Chances are you consume too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Putting away the saltshaker is never a bad idea, but the vast majority of the sodium we consume comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. ...


Delayed US sodium targets may cost 250,000 lives

Last October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) finalized a set of short-term, voluntary goals for lowering salt levels in foods—five years after they were proposed in 2016. A new study published today in Hypertension—a ...


Hold the salt to help your heart

The Food and Drug Administration outlined new, voluntary guidelines to lower sodium levels in food. But those with high blood pressure or who are at risk for heart disease may want to consider simply saying no to sodium.


New research shows kids can help families cut salt consumption

School age children may be an important part of bringing down stroke rates, as first ever research in China published in the BMJ today shows that an app can help families cut salt consumption, which is tied to poor cardiovascular ...

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