Medical research

Scientists enhance understanding of muscle repair process

In today's issue of Nature Communications, University of Louisville scientists reveal research that increases the understanding of the mechanisms regulating adult stem cells required for skeletal muscle regeneration. Sajedah ...

Medical research

Tumor suppressor key in maintaining stem cell status in muscle

A gene known to suppress tumor formation in a broad range of tissues plays a key role in keeping stem cells in muscles dormant until needed, a finding that may have implications for both human health and animal production, ...

Medical research

Scientists discern signatures of old versus young stem cells

A chemical code scrawled on histones—the protein husks that coat DNA in every animal or plant cell—determines which genes in that cell are turned on and which are turned off. Now, Stanford University School of Medicine ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Heat stress may affect the muscles for longer than we think

People who experience heat stress during exercise may need more recovery time to let their muscles heal, according to a new mouse study published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative ...

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