Psychology & Psychiatry

Seasonal affective disorder and light therapy

For some people, this time of year—when the days are short, darker and cold—means depression that can interfere with things like work, sleep and eating. This phenomenon, called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), goes ...


Study proposes streamlined approach to developing cancer drugs

Drug discovery can be a frustrating process of trial and error. Scientists using fragment-based drug discovery link fragments of different molecules together to create a more potent drug but may not know whether a compound ...


Dying elderly need comforting, not rescuing, according to study

UNSW medical researchers are calling for restraint on the use of aggressive life-saving treatments for frail elderly patients at the end of their lives, saying the focus should instead be placed on making patients' last days ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Insecurities may drive people to save more

When people feel that their own good impressions of themselves are at risk, they may try to increase their savings, according to research published by the American Psychological Association.

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