
JUUL electronic cigarette products linked to cellular damage

Little is known about the potential health effects of JUUL e-cigarette products that have recently risen in popularity, especially among adolescents. The Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, has a growing concern about this ...


ChatGPT outscores med students on complex clinical exam questions

ChatGPT can outperform first- and second-year medical students in answering challenging clinical care exam questions, a new study by Stanford researchers has revealed. The findings highlight the accelerating impact of artificial ...


Kids aren't skipping just COVID vaccines

There are thousands of children across Maryland who not only haven't been vaccinated against COVID-19, but also lack protection from influenza and the kinds of diseases that routine shots long ago made scarce, such as measles ...


Three things to know about teplizumb, the new diabetes drug

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved a medication that can delay the onset of type 1 diabetes. This marks the first treatment to change the course of this autoimmune disease since the discovery of insulin ...


11.3 percent of school students report tobacco product use

About 11.3 percent of all middle and high school students reported currently using any tobacco product in 2022, with electronic cigarettes the most commonly used product, according to research published in the Nov. 11 issue ...

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