
Difficult behavior in young children may point to later problems

It's normal for a young child to have tantrums and be otherwise disruptive, but researchers have found that if such behavior is prolonged or especially intense, the child may have conduct disorder, a childhood psychiatric ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New study challenges 'mid-life crisis' theory

For half a century, the accepted research on happiness has shown our lives on a U-shaped curve, punctuated by a low point that we've come to know as the "mid-life crisis". A number of studies have claimed over the years that ...

Medical research

Blood group can predict risk of contracting viral disease

The risk of being infected by parvovirus is elevated in those people who have blood group Rh(D), according to a study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases by researchers from Karolinska Institutetin Sweden in collaboration ...

Attention deficit disorders

Children with ADHD may have higher risk for poor diet

(HealthDay)—Children with more attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms may be at higher risk for an unhealthy diet, but diet quality does not appear to affect ADHD risk, according to a study published in ...

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