
Teen athletes at risk for medication misuse

Teen athletes derive many positive benefits from participating in sports, but their increased risk of sports-related injuries may also heighten their risk for medication misuse and abuse, especially for boys, finds a recent ...


Dehydration likely among young athletes, research finds

(Medical Xpress)—Even when young players have water available while practicing soccer, they still became dehydrated, a University of Arkansas researcher found in a field study in Greece. Stavros Kavouras, an assistant professor ...


Type of helmet, may not lower concussion risk

40,000 high school football kids get a concussion every year, but contrary to equipment manufacturers' claims, the specific brand of helmet and helmet age were not associated with lower risk of concussion, say researchers ...


Camaraderie of sports teams may deter bullying, violence

As schools around the country look for ways to reduce violence and bullying, they may want to consider encouraging students to participate in team sports, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 5, at the Pediatric ...


Type of shoe changes how people run, researchers find

The style of your running shoes isn't just making a fashion statement. It may be controlling the way you run and setting you up for injuries down the road. That's what researchers at the University of Kansas Hospital found ...

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