Psychology & Psychiatry

Diet decisions can make teens feel good about themselves

Key healthy food messages are giving Australian adolescents clear boundaries to set core beliefs and moral decisions about ethical eating choices and junk food risks—which even paves the way for raising their sense of self-worth, ...


School intervention may improve kids' heart health long term

Middle school students who were offered healthier cafeteria food, more physical education and lessons about health choices improved their cholesterol levels and resting heart rates, according to research presented at the ...


Seeing certain foods prompts kids to eat healthier

(Medical Xpress) -- Just because healthful foods are available in school cafeterias doesn't mean children are going to eat them, but in some cases, the very presence of such foods as whole fruit may actually prompt kids to ...

Overweight & Obesity

Africa urged to act fast to combat obesity surge

Urgent measures such as taxes and restrictions on sugary foods and drinks are needed to stem the rising trend of obesity in Africa, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned.


Timing and duration matters for school lunch and recess

A new study finds that the duration and timing of lunch and recess is related to food choices and physical activity of school children. These findings could help schools make policies that promote healthier school lunches ...


Too close for comfort? Maybe not

People generally worry about who their neighbors are, especially neighbors of our children. If high-fat food and soda are nearby, people will imbibe, and consequently gain weight. Or will they? With students' health at risk, ...

Attention deficit disorders

Career thoughts and parental relationships in adolescents with ADHD

A new study published in The Career Development Quarterly looked for potential links between negative or dysfunctional career thoughts and the quality of parental relationships in high school students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity ...

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