Overweight & Obesity

'New and improved' supermarkets trim childhood obesity in NYC

Access to newer supermarkets that offer fresh foods in some of New York City's poorest neighborhoods was linked to a 1% decline in obesity rates among public school students living nearby, a new study shows. The modernized ...

Medical research

In fighting gut infections, nervous system is key, team finds

The peaceful and delicate co-existence of friendly gut bacteria and the immune system relies on highly coordinated information exchange between immune system cells and certain cells lining the intestine. Until now, scientists ...


Brown bag lunches overheating and possibly unsafe

In a new study published in Pediatrics, researchers reveal that more than 90 percent of the perishable food items found in the school lunches they tested had reached unsafe temperatures by the time they were to be eaten by ...

Overweight & Obesity

'Deeply worrying' rise in child obesity in England: Report

Obesity in 10- and 11-year-olds in England has risen 30 percent since 2006, part of a far-reaching decline in children's health since the start of the century, said a report published Wednesday.

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