
States enact laws to stock epinephrine at schools

Twenty-seven states allow or require schools to stock epinephrine that's used to fight sometimes life-threatening allergic reactions caused by eating certain food products, such as peanuts, or bee stings.


Bill urges schools to stock anti-allergy drug

The House has passed a bill aimed at helping schools better prepare for severe, sometimes life-threatening, allergic reactions caused by eating peanuts or other food products.


Poll shows strong voter support for school nutrition standards

Eighty percent of American voters favor national standards that would limit calories, fat, and sodium in snack and à la carte foods sold in U.S. schools and encourage the consumption of fruits, vegetables and low-fat ...


'It's not nutritious until it's eaten'

As part of her "Let's Move! Initiative," First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled a new web resource highlighting new changes in the Chefs Move to Schools, during a CMST gathering in Dallas, TX today. CMTS advocates got together ...

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