Psychology & Psychiatry

Family dynamics may influence suicidal thoughts in children

Death by suicide in children has reached a 30-year high in the United States. During middle and high school, 10 to 15% of kids have thoughts of suicide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


CBD vapes rising in popularity among teens

Vaping CBD (cannabidiol) is on the rise among middle and high school students, according to a national U.S. survey, and health experts warn there can be serious risks involved.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Four ways to help kids overcome back-to-school anxiety

Heading back to school after a long summer break can be an exciting time for kids and caregivers. But for some students, the anxiousness of heading back to school may be fueled by fears or worry. In this Mayo Clinic Minute, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mayo Clinic Minute: Building a back-to-school routine

For many kids, summer is a time to stay up late, sleep in and hang out with friends. Waking up for that first day of a new school year can be a shock if young children, teenagers, parents or caregivers have not come up with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicide rates among US adolescents doubled in 10 years

Suicides among the youngest U.S. teenagers were rising for years before the pandemic—with school stress, social media and guns standing as potential factors, according to a new study.Researchers found that between 2008 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Parenting in a post-pandemic world

If you're a parent or child caretaker, the news can feel especially daunting in these post-pandemic times. Math and reading proficiency levels among fourth- and eighth-graders across the U.S. dropped precipitously between ...

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