
Why don't the highly educated smoke?

(Medical Xpress)—It's well established that adults with college degrees are much less likely to smoke than adults with less education, but the reasons for this inequality are unclear. A new Yale study shows that the links ...


What's driving high pregnancy rates in Kenyan schools

During Kenya's national schools exams, an alarming number of girls were reported to be pregnant or in labour, and so couldn't take the exam. In just one county, 72 girls taking the exams were pregnant while 38 gave birth ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

California won't require COVID vaccine to attend schools

Children in California won't have to get the coronavirus vaccine to attend schools, state public health officials confirmed Friday, ending one of the last major restrictions of the pandemic in the nation's most populous state.


Heavier newborns show academic edge in school

Birth weight makes a difference to a child's future academic performance, according to new Northwestern University research that found heavier newborns do better in elementary and middle school than infants with lower birth ...


Persuading more school children to eat fruit and vegetables

Twenty years ago, 4 out of 10 European children ate fruit and vegetables daily. Today, the proportion is the same, in spite of schemes to provide children with fruit at school. Why hasn't there been more improvement?


School nutrition programs slow BMI gains in children

(HealthDay)—Body mass index (BMI) increases in middle school students can be limited by school-based nutrition policies but not by physical activity policies, according to a study published in the January issue of the American ...


Pediatricians push for laws to prevent teen vaping

(HealthDay)—Strong limits on marketing and sales are needed to control and prevent teens' use of electronic cigarettes, a new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement says. Teens who use e-cigarettes are more ...

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