
Mobile games used for psychology experiments

(Medical Xpress)—Initial findings from one of the largest cognitive science experiments ever conducted have shown that mobile games can be used to reliably address psychology questions, paving the way to a better understanding ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Embattled childhoods may be the real trauma for soldiers with PTSD

New research on posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in soldiers challenges popular assumptions about the origins and trajectory of PTSD, providing evidence that traumatic experiences in childhood - not combat - may predict ...

Attention deficit disorders

Distractibility trait predisposes some to attentional lapses

People vary according to different personality traits, such as extraversion or conscientiousness, and new research suggests that they also vary according to a particular cognitive trait: distractibility. The findings are ...

Medical research

Scientists measure how energy is spent in martial arts

Two judo fighters face off, one in a white judogi (the traditional judo uniform) and one in blue. They reach for each other's shoulders and lock arms, in what looks like an awkward dance, before the fighter in blue throws ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visual exposure predicts infants' ability to follow another's gaze

Following another person's gaze can reveal a wealth of information critical to social interactions and also to safety. Gaze following typically emerges in infancy, and new research looking at preterm infants suggests that ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children form first impressions from faces

Just like adults, children as young as 3 tend to judge an individual's character traits, such as trustworthiness and competence, simply by looking at the person's face, new research shows. And they show remarkable consensus ...

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