Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children form first impressions from faces

Just like adults, children as young as 3 tend to judge an individual's character traits, such as trustworthiness and competence, simply by looking at the person's face, new research shows. And they show remarkable consensus ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

For infants, stress may be caught, not taught

(Medical Xpress)—New research shows that babies not only pick up on their mother's stress, they also show corresponding physiological changes.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Living through war leads to in-group solidarity

War experiences have a long-term effect on human psychology, shifting people's motivations toward greater equality for members of their own group, according to research forthcoming in Psychological Science, a journal of the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Diminishing fear vicariously by watching others

Phobias—whether it's fear of spiders, clowns, or small spaces—are common and can be difficult to treat. New research suggests that watching someone else safely interact with the supposedly harmful object can help to extinguish ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visualized heartbeat can trigger 'out-of-body experience'

A visual projection of human heartbeats can be used to generate an "out-of-body experience," according to new research to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. The ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Don't worry, be happy

To most of the Western world, happiness is the number one goal, and a happy life is seen as a good life. But is it as simple as that?

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