
Removing barriers to participation for people with disability

For many people, being able to engage in everyday life is something they take for granted. Gaining employment, finding a place to live and pursuing travel, leisure and social activities become more about "which" movie to ...


Outsourced children's care homes provide poorer quality care

For-profit children's homes provide poorer quality services for children in care than homes run by Local Authorities, according to research from the University of Oxford's Department for Social Policy and Intervention. Based ...

Health informatics

A review of mobile sensing in the COVID-19 era

Mobile sensing has shown its power in the pervasive and effective monitoring of COVID-19 in varying population scales and time duration, according to a study published in Health Data Science.


Vaccination campaign messages often prove ineffective

Conventional vaccination campaign messages often miss their targets. A study in eight European countries shows that information on the benefits of vaccines can even reduce the willingness to get immunized. The researchers ...

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