Medical research

Cracking 'virus code' could help fight cancer

Virus experts from Cardiff University's School of Medicine have uncovered, for the first time, how a virus known as Adenovirus type 26 (Ad26), which has been used effectively in a tamed form as a vaccine, can infect human ...


Discovery paves the way for earlier detection of type 1 disease

Type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease that typically emerges before the age of 20, wipes out the body's ability to produce insulin—a hormone that's essential to life. Diagnosis often comes after symptoms arise, at which ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola expert weighs in on news of a potential cure

Scientists recently reported that two treatments saved the lives of people infected with the Ebola virus—with the New York Times reporting that roughly 90% of newly infected patients were saved—suggesting we are ever ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

An app to prevent pregnancy? Don't count on it

Fertility awareness apps are being championed as a new approach to contraception. In reality, while the technology may be new, women have been predicting the fertile days in their menstrual cycles to prevent pregnancy for ...

Oncology & Cancer

A 'one-two punch' to wipe out cancerous ovarian cells

Researchers from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) have developed a two-step combination therapy to destroy cancer cells. In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, they show the ...


New preprint server for the health sciences announced today

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), Yale University, and BMJ today announced the forthcoming launch of medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive"), a free online archive and distribution service for preprints in the medical and ...

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