
How, and why, to reset your kids' screen use for summer

The long, warm days of summer unlock countless opportunities for fun and make the school break a great time to re-calibrate family rules around screen use. UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital pediatrician and screen time researcher ...


Study suggests parents 'do' have power over tweens' screen use

For many parents, it can feel like curbing kids' screen use is a losing battle. But new research from UC San Francisco (UCSF) has found the parenting practices that work best to curb screen time and addictive screen behavior: ...


Sleep moderates the link between bullying and suicide in teens

A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found that sleep duration significantly moderates the association between bullying and suicide attempts among adolescents in the U.S. The research abstract was ...


Is stress worsening your dry eye?

Long work hours, little sleep, a full inbox; balancing work and a social life: Stress can pile up and have notable physical effects on the body, including the eyes. Ocular symptoms such as burning, redness, irritation, watery ...

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