
Finding structure in the brain's static

While sleeping, the entire brain rolls through long, slow waves of electrical activity, like waves on a calm ocean. Researchers call that state of consciousness "slow wave sleep." Waking up changes the pattern of electrical ...

Inflammatory disorders

Psoriasis patients find psoriatic arthritis screening worthwhile

Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) screening is acceptable to patients with psoriasis whether they are diagnosed with PsA or not, according to a research letter published online Aug. 17 in the British Journal of Dermatology.

Oncology & Cancer

Discovery suggests new way to target mantle cell lymphoma

A form of blood cancer known as mantle cell lymphoma is critically dependent on a protein that coordinates gene expression, such that blocking its activity with an experimental drug dramatically slows the growth of this lymphoma ...

Oncology & Cancer

ACOG: shared decision-making key to breast cancer screening

(HealthDay)—Shared decision-making is being emphasized in new American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) mammography screening guidelines for women at average risk of breast cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

Antineoplastic agents associated with thyroid dysfunction

Antineoplastic agents such as immunotherapies and targeted therapies that specifically target signaling pathways in cancer cells are associated with thyroid dysfunction in 20%-50% of cancer patients taking them, which can ...

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