Oncology & Cancer

New test detects more cases of cervical cancer

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and the University of Innsbruck in Austria have developed a simpler and more effective screening method for cervical cancer than the method used today. The comprehensive study ...


Study suggests parents 'do' have power over tweens' screen use

For many parents, it can feel like curbing kids' screen use is a losing battle. But new research from UC San Francisco (UCSF) has found the parenting practices that work best to curb screen time and addictive screen behavior: ...

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Screening, in general, is the investigation of a great number of something (for instance, people) looking for those with a particular problem or feature. One example is at an airport, where many bags get x-rayed to try to detect any which may contain weapons or explosives. People are also screened going through a metal detector. Even though the procedure aims at a large number of screens, it is always equivalent to sampling in statistics, because the complete population is almost always inaccessible for screening.

Screening has other, more specific meanings:

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