
Nilotinib associated with case of scurvy

(HealthDay)—Nilotinib is associated with scurvy, possibly because of its effects on cutaneous metabolism, according to a letter to the editor published online April 28 in the Journal of Cutaneous Pathology.


Poor diet sees scurvy reappear in Australia

Scurvy, a disease historically associated with old-world sailors on long voyages, is making a surprise comeback in Australia, with health officials Tuesday revealing a rare spate of cases.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Is scurvy really making a comeback in the UK?

Scurvy is on the rise in the U.K. and picky eating might be the cause, a recent report in Metro suggests. But is this something we should worry about? As with most things, it's not as clear cut as it might seem.


Case report describes scurvy in infant consuming almond milk

(HealthDay)—The development of scurvy in an 11-month-old after exclusive intake of almond beverages and almond flour from age 2.5 months is described in a case report published online Jan. 18 in Pediatrics.