
Why kids breathe easier in summer

A good night's sleep is important to our children's development. But with the first day of school just passed, many children are at increased risk for sleep breathing disorders that can impair their mental and physical development ...


Cholesterol levels rise, fall with changing seasons

Cholesterol levels seem to fluctuate significantly with the turning seasons, which may leave some people with borderline high cholesterol at greater cardiovascular risk during the winter months, according to research being ...


One in 20 cases of pre-eclampsia may be linked to air pollutant

One in every 20 cases of the serious condition of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, may be linked to increased levels of the air pollutant ozone during the first three months, suggests a large study published in the online journal ...


Celiac 'epidemics' link to infections early in life

Celiac disease affects about one percent of the population but occasional 'epidemics' have been noticed along with a seasonal variation in number of cases diagnosed. New research published in BioMed Central's open access ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cases of whooping cough in US highest in decades

Pertussis is at its highest level nationally in a half-century. But cases of pertussis, also known as whooping cough, often decline in late fall into early winter.

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