Oncology & Cancer

How removing a protein slows blood vessel growth in tumors

Scientists from the University of Leeds and The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have discovered a new protein which triggers the growth of blood vessels in breast cancer tumours which have spread to the brain, a common ...

Oncology & Cancer

Epigenetic changes promoting cancer metastasis identified

Latest University of Otago research is shedding new light on why and how cancer cells spread from primary tumours to other parts of the body. This phenomenon – known as metastasis – causes about 90 per cent of all cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

High response rate in phase I/II paediatric brain cancer trial

A high response rate with a single drug in a phase I/II trial of paediatric brain tumour has set the stage for combination therapy with higher response and lower toxicity, researchers reported at the ESMO 2016 Congress in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Blocking cells' movement to stop the spread of cancer

Insights into how cells move through the body could lead to innovative techniques to stop cancer cells from spreading and causing secondary tumours, according to new UCL research.

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