Attention deficit disorders

Study correlates ADHD and secondhand smoke

(Medical Xpress)—Duke Medicine has established a new research program to investigate the relationship between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke during pregnancy and childhood and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ...


New study confirms need for state smoke-free laws

American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown issued the following comments today on the CDC Foundation's new study released in the journal Preventing Chronic Disease, which found smoke-free laws in nine states had no impact ...


Study confirms thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage

(Medical Xpress)—A study led by researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has found for the first time that thirdhand smoke—the noxious residue that clings to virtually all surfaces long after the secondhand ...


Many smoke exposed in home/Car despite smoke-free rules

(HealthDay)—Many U.S. adults report voluntary smoke-free rules for private settings, such as homes and vehicles, but millions of people are still exposed to secondhand smoke in these environments, according to research ...


Scientists create new tools for battling secondhand smoke

Dartmouth researchers have taken an important step in the ongoing battle against secondhand tobacco smoke. They have pioneered the development of a breakthrough device that can immediately detect the presence of secondhand ...


Researchers invent real time secondhand smoke sensor

Making headway against a major public health threat, Dartmouth College researchers have invented the first ever secondhand tobacco smoke sensor that records data in real time, a new study in the journal Nicotine and Tobacco ...

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