
Research shows nerve growth protein controls blood sugar

Research led by a Johns Hopkins University biologist demonstrates the workings of a biochemical pathway that helps control glucose in the bloodstream, a development that could potentially lead to treatments for diabetes.

Medical research

Study reveals how altered gut microbes cause obesity

Obesity is linked to changes in our gut microbes—the trillions of tiny organisms that inhabit our intestines. But the mechanism has not been clear. In a new study published in Nature, a Yale-led team of researchers has ...


Scientists identify third critical hormone in Type 2 diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—Working with mice and human blood and liver samples, scientists from the Johns Hopkins Children's Center have identified a previously unsuspected liver hormone as a critical player in the development of ...

Medical research

What you eat may affect your body's internal biological clock

Food not only nourishes the body but also affects its internal biological clock, which regulates the daily rhythm of many aspects of human behavior and biology. Researchers reporting in the Cell Press journal Cell Reports ...

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