Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Scientists aim to stop harmful gut bacteria triggering Alzheimer's

The phrase 'you are what you eat' was coined almost a century before Alois Alzheimer made his breakthrough in identifying brain disease, but the evidence is now clear that diet as well as age influences the brain.

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Q and A: Spinal arthritis

I am in my late 50s and have started having stiffness in my back. I have become much less flexible and sometimes even have a hard time looking over my shoulder. I remember my grandparents complaining about arthritis in their ...


Type 2 diabetes in young people puts their eyes at risk

Sixteen-year-old Karl is seen for the first time in my optometry practice. He was referred to me for a fluctuating vision problem. During his examination, I saw signs suggesting he may have diabetes, which could have explained ...


To be less sedentary, you may need a more active friend

A newly developed mathematical model incorporates the influence of social interactions on community exercise trends, suggesting that interacting with moderately active people could influence sedentary people to become more ...

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