
This halloween, pumpkin seeds pack a healthy punch

You can get your hands on pumpkin seeds on about any store's snack aisle, but your healthiest option may be the old-fashioned way: scooping them out of the stringy guts of that jack-o'-lantern you're carving.


The skinny on fats

(HealthDay)—Even when you're trying to lose weight, you need some fat in your diet for good health. While fat in general has gotten a bad rap, some types of fat—particularly plant-based fats—are good for you in moderation.

Oncology & Cancer

The risk of lung cancer for young breast cancer survivors

Women who have been lucky enough to survive breast cancer may face increased risk of lung cancers, according to a new study in Radiotherapy and Oncology. The study shows how this can be prevented—limiting the radiation ...


Lupin seeds: Health impairments possible with bitter taste

For several years now, lupin seeds have been used increasingly to produce foods such as gluten-free bakery produce and pasta, as well as diet products for people with milk protein allergies. Lupin seeds or beans are also ...

Oncology & Cancer

New clinical trial framework tests 'natural' cures for cancer

A University of Colorado Cancer Center clinical trial is now recruiting prostate cancer patients who would otherwise be on a watch-and-wait protocol to test the ability of grape seed extract to slow the rise of prostate-specific ...


Grape seed extract could extend life of resin fillings

A natural compound found in grape seed extract could be used to strengthen dentin—the tissue beneath a tooth's enamel—and increase the life of resin fillings, according to new research at the University of Illinois at ...

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