
The skinny on fats

(HealthDay)—Even when you're trying to lose weight, you need some fat in your diet for good health. While fat in general has gotten a bad rap, some types of fat—particularly plant-based fats—are good for you in moderation.


Fennel: A food lover's dream ingredient

(HealthDay)—You might have seen fennel in the produce section of your market without knowing what exactly it was. Fennel is a fragrant bulb that can be a food lover's dream ingredient, because it has a refreshing taste, ...


The 411 on unsaturated fats

(HealthDay)—Doctors may be as confused about what dietary advice to pass on to their patients as the patients themselves—even when it comes to protecting against heart disease through diet, according to U.S., British ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Experts: Seeds tainted by E. coli still out there

(AP) -- Health experts warned Thursday there could be more E. coli cases across Europe and elsewhere after finding that recent deadly outbreaks were probably linked to contaminated Egyptian fenugreek seeds.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Grape seed extract bollixes norovirus

Norovirus causes more than half of all food-born illnesses in the United States, and is the second greatest source of reported food borne illness outbreaks in the European Union. A recent study found that grape seed extract ...

Oncology & Cancer

The risk of lung cancer for young breast cancer survivors

Women who have been lucky enough to survive breast cancer may face increased risk of lung cancers, according to a new study in Radiotherapy and Oncology. The study shows how this can be prevented—limiting the radiation ...


Quinn on Nutrition: What about lectins?

Reader Susan S. writes, in part: "Gut health is finally being brought up in mainstream more often. But almost never this: there are grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables that have LECTINS that poke tiny holes in our intestines. ...

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