Oncology & Cancer

New insights into the drivers of glioma-related epilepsy

Glioma is one of the most aggressive malignant primary brain tumors. A common feature of glioma is the presence of localized, intermittent seizures referred to as glioma-related epilepsy, which is known to promote tumor growth. ...


Study reveals how CBD counters epileptic seizures

A study reveals a previously unknown way in which cannabidiol (CBD), a substance found in cannabis, reduces seizures in many treatment-resistant forms of pediatric epilepsy.


A surgery option when epilepsy treatments don't work

For people living with epilepsy who have tried various epilepsy treatments to control their seizures with little success, there is another option. It's a surgery called resection of an epileptic focus, or resective surgery—where ...


Treating epilepsy with a keto diet

A very low-carb diet can make a big difference for children who don't respond well to other epilepsy treatments. The UK Epilepsy Clinic works to show families how to use the ketogenic (keto) diet to reduce and even eliminate ...

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