Psychology & Psychiatry

Size matters most in the locker room

(Medical Xpress)—Research on men's body self-image shows they are more concerned by what other men think of their bodies than what their sexual partners think.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pep talks secret to better sporting performance

Giving oneself a pep talk may be key to improving female athletes' sporting performance and mental health, new University of Saskatchewan research shows.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-compassion key to positive body image and coping

Women who accept and tolerate their imperfections appear to have a more positive body image despite their body mass index (BMI) and are better able to handle personal disappointments and setbacks in their daily lives.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adolescent self-harmers misjudge bodily sensations

Adolescents who self-harm experience heightened sensations across their skin and misjudge bodily cues such as hunger and headaches, University of Queensland-led research has found.

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