Psychology & Psychiatry

Looking out for #1 can make you happy, if you have no choice

(Medical Xpress)—We are, at our core, social creatures and we spend considerable time and effort on building and maintaining our relationships with others. As young children, we're taught that "sharing means caring" and, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do we balance self-interest with fairness for others?

Human beings, like all living things, are driven by an innate sense of self-preservation. But humans have also built cities and governments, complex industries and lasting cultural institutions—none of which would be possible ...

Medical research

How can the world adapt to COVID-19 in the long term?

As the acute phase of the pandemic passes, COVID-19 will remain with us as an endemic disease—still around, but a manageable threat. What does this mean, and what must we do to stop it from erupting again?

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