Psychology & Psychiatry

Reanalysis confirms findings of the famous marshmallow test

Very few experiments in psychology have had such a broad impact as the marshmallow test developed by Walter Mischel at Stanford University in the 1960s. The test appeared to show that the degree to which young children are ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Alcohol dulls brain 'alarm' that monitors mistakes, study finds

Most people have witnessed otherwise intelligent people doing embarrassing or stupid things when they are intoxicated, but what specifically happens in the brain to cause such drunken actions? A new study testing alcohol's ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Your spending data may reveal aspects of your personality

How you spend your money can signal aspects of your personality, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Analyses of over 2 million spending records ...

Attention deficit disorders

ADHD: Could dogs be the answer?

UCI Health child development specialist Sabrina E.B. Schuck—long concerned about the lack of treatments for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)—decided to seek therapies besides medications to ...

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