
Congress has ambitious agenda tackling health care costs

Lawmakers are trying to set aside their irreconcilable differences over the Obama-era Affordable Care Act and work to reach bipartisan agreement on a more immediate health care issue, lowering costs for people who already ...


Senate Republicans pull plug on latest Obamacare repeal bid

US Senate Republicans abandoned their latest plan to dismantle Obamacare Tuesday when it became clear that President Donald Trump's party did not have the votes, assuring the 2010 health reforms survive for the foreseeable ...


GOP health bill still a mystery before planned vote

The Senate will move forward with a key vote this week on a Republican health bill but it's not yet known whether the legislation will seek to replace President Barack Obama's health care law or simply repeal it.


US Senate delays summer break amid health care impasse

The US Senate will take the rare step of delaying its summer break by two weeks to focus on breaking an impasse over health care reform and other pending work, Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday.


How the Senate health bill compares to House, 'Obamacare'

The Senate Republican health care bill would guarantee immediate assistance for insurance markets that are struggling in many states. Yet overall it would do the same thing as its House counterpart: less federal money for ...


Trump savors win as House passes Obamacare repeal

US President Donald Trump extracted a much-needed victory from Congress Thursday as Republicans narrowly pushed a bill through the House of Representatives repealing the landmark health reforms of his predecessor.

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