
Groundbreaking study sheds light on child sex trafficking

A study from Portland State University (PSU) unveiled Monday by U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall showed that than 469 children in the Portland metro area received social services for commercial sexual exploitation over the last ...


House OKs 40th effort to repeal health law (Update)

Republicans have pushed legislation through the House preventing the Internal Revenue Service from implementing any part of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. It's the 40th time the chamber has voted to repeal ...


Bill urges schools to stock anti-allergy drug

The House has passed a bill aimed at helping schools better prepare for severe, sometimes life-threatening, allergic reactions caused by eating peanuts or other food products.


Texas House passes abortion bill; Senate next stop

(AP)—The Texas House has approved new abortion limits in a second special session, less than two weeks after Senate Republicans failed to finish work on the bill amid a filibuster and raucous protests.


Texas abortion bill falls after challenge

(AP)—Hundreds of jeering protesters helped stop Texas lawmakers from passing one of the toughest abortion measures in the U.S., shouting down Senate Republicans and forcing them to miss a midnight deadline to pass the bill ...

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