
Scientists identify key cells in touch sensation

In a study published in the April 6 online edition of the journal Nature, a team of Columbia University Medical Center researchers led by Ellen Lumpkin, PhD, associate professor of somatosensory biology, solve an age-old ...

Medical research

Plant used in Chinese medicine fights chronic pain

A plant used for centuries as a pain reliever in Chinese medicine may be just what the doctor ordered, especially when it comes to chronic pain. A key pain-relieving ingredient is a compound known as dehydrocorybulbine (DHCB) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visual perception: Vertical disparity corrects stereo correspondence

It is well known that humans perceive 3D structures of scenes using the horizontal difference of images observed by our eyes— referred to as horizontal (binocular) disparity. It is also known that vertical disparity produces ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Inner speech speaks volumes about the brain

Whether you're reading the paper or thinking through your schedule for the day, chances are that you're hearing yourself speak even if you're not saying words out loud. This internal speech—the monologue you "hear" inside ...

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