
Neuro interface adds tactile dimension to screen images

Researchers from Duke University and HSE University have succeeded in creating artificial tactile perception in monkeys through direct brain stimulation. This breakthrough can be used to create upper-limb neuroprostheses, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The psychology of thrills and chills

Psychologist Kenneth Carter is not a fan of Halloween haunted houses. But he has written a book about people who thrive on activities like entering dark passageways, sensing that something unknown and terrifying awaits around ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is there such thing as an addictive personality?

Most of us know somebody who tends to get over involved in certain behaviors, and the saying often goes that they must have an "addictive personality." But is there such a thing?

Medical research

Biological mechanisms behind skillful piano fingering

Dr. Masato Hirano of Sony Computer Science Laboratories and his colleagues have discovered a sensorimotor function integration mechanism that enables skillful fingering by pianists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Adolescent self-harmers misjudge bodily sensations

Adolescents who self-harm experience heightened sensations across their skin and misjudge bodily cues such as hunger and headaches, University of Queensland-led research has found.


The mystery of touch and how we feel about it

The mechanism of tactile sensation has not yet been solved, though it is a fundamental sense for humans. NITech scientists investigated its mechanism and found the important cues in touch could be different for each person. ...

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