
Coffee changes our sense of taste

Sweet food is even sweeter when you drink coffee. This is shown by the result of research from Aarhus University. The results have just been published in the scientific journal Foods.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What's lost when we're too afraid to touch the world around us?

During one of my daily walks with my toddler, when we passed his favorite playground, I noticed a new sign warning that the coronavirus survives on all kinds of surfaces and that we should no longer use the playground. Since ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Your nose may know more when it comes to COVID-19

A University of Cincinnati ear, nose and throat specialist says your nose may hold a clue in identifying COVID-19. The loss of smell may be a key indicator.


Kids need calm, not chaos, during COVID-19

Elbow bumps in lieu of high-fives, segregated lunchtimes and hyper hand hygiene—they're are all a part of our children's new reality in response to Covid-19. But while kids are seemingly adapting well to the changes, University ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Panic buying follows coronavirus across the globe

Shelves are being stripped bare of toilet rolls, hand sanitiser and surgical masks everywhere from Japan to France to the United States as panic buying criss-crosses the globe with the coronavirus, defying repeated calls ...

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