
How our sense of touch is a lot like the way we hear

(Medical Xpress)—When you walk into a darkened room, your first instinct is to feel around for a light switch. You slide your hand along the wall, feeling the transition from the doorframe to the painted drywall, and then ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New website will assist people with dementia

Researchers from McMaster and the University of Waterloo have developed a new website to help those living with dementia navigate the journey.


3D manufacturing: Printing a new nose

The suffering caused by the loss of a nose must be indescribable. In terms of function, a sense of smell is perhaps less important than the ability to see, hear and eat - and we can breathe through our mouth or nasal cavity. ...


Animals learn to fine-tune their sniffs

Animals use their noses to focus their sense of smell, much the same way that humans focus their eyes, new research at the University of Chicago shows.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Rats recruited to hunt for TB in Mozambique

A swarm of trained rats is on its way to Mozambique to help the country's over-stretched health system detect tuberculosis in patients, officials said Friday.


Virtual reality simulator helps teach surgery for brain cancer

A new virtual reality simulator—including sophisticated 3-D graphics and tactile feedback—provides neurosurgery trainees with valuable opportunities to practice essential skills and techniques for brain cancer surgery, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Young children share rewards based on merit

Young children take merit into account when sharing resources, according to research published Aug. 29 in the open access journal PLOS ONE.

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