
Early sign of Alzheimer's reversed in lab

One of the earliest known impairments caused by Alzheimer's disease - loss of sense of smell – can be restored by removing a plaque-forming protein in a mouse model of the disease, a study led by a Case Western Reserve ...


Boston hospital performs double hand transplant

(AP) -- A quadruple amputee who received new hands through a transplant operation says he is looking forward to doing ordinary things again: getting dressed, taking a shower, making coffee and, sweetest of all, touching ...

Medical research

Can antivirulence drugs stop infections without causing resistance?

Antivirulence drugs disarm pathogens rather than kill them, and although they could be effective in theory, antivirulence drugs have never been tested in humans. A new study to be published in the online journal mBio on Tuesday, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

You can wash away your troubles, with soap

"Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain," goes the song. Is there such a thing as soap and water for the psyche? Yes: Metaphor is that powerful, say Spike W.S. Lee and Norbert Schwarz of the University of Michigan in a ...

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