Psychology & Psychiatry

Our sense of smell alters the colors we see, show scientists

Our five senses bombard us with environmental input 24/7. One way our brain makes sense of this abundance of information is by combining information from two or more senses, such as between smells and the smoothness of textures, ...

Medical research

Researcher working on ways to restore a lost sense of smell

Take a moment to appreciate your sense of smell. It helps you savor everything you eat, from fresh-baked cookies to just-picked strawberries. It alerts you to spoiled food, natural gas leaks, and fires. And yet, it's likely ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

New research shows Lewy body disease can be detected before symptoms

Lewy body disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease. A research group from Lund University has now shown that the disease can be detected before symptoms appear, using a spinal ...

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