
Coupling of movement and vision

In a study published in Cell, Georg Keller and his group shed light on neural circuits in the cortex that underlie the integration of movement and visual feedback. They identified a mechanism in the visual cortex responsible ...

Medical research

Virtual games help the blind navigate unknown territory

On March 27th JoVE will publish a new video article by Dr. Lotfi Merabet showing how researchers in the Department of Ophthalmology at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School have developed a virtual ...


Another step toward the hand prosthesis of the future

Researchers stimulated the nerves of an amputated arm with signals very similar to the natural ones, succeeding in "imitating the colors" of the evoked sensations of the various types of receptors and related nerve fibers ...


Reading the motor intention from brain activity within 100ms

A collaborative study by researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology has developed a new technique to decode motor intention of humans from Electroencephalography (EEG). This technique is based on the well-documented ...

Medical research

Researchers develop ultramodern forearm prosthesis

Researchers of the University of Twente (UT) and Roessingh Research and Development (RRD) have developed a system which can significantly improve the functionality of forearm prostheses. Using the activity still present in ...

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