
Doctors can now watch spinal cord activity during surgery

With technology developed at UC Riverside, scientists can, for the first time, make high resolution images of the human spinal cord during surgery. The advancement could help bring real relief to millions suffering chronic ...


How the brain handles the complexity of chewing

You bite into an apple, you chew, the flavors flood your mouth, you swallow, and then you do it all over again. Eating is so effortless that you can do it while chatting, reading, watching TV, walking, working…


New sound navigation technology enables the blind to navigate

A new study by researchers at Reichman University's Brain Cognition and Technology Institute directed by Prof. Amir Amedi has shown that visual navigation areas in the brain can be activated using sound. By traversing mazes ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fatty acid affects sensitivity of psoriasis plaques to heat, pain

A common fatty acid found in the Western diet breaks down into compounds that contribute to increased temperature and pain—but not itch—sensitivity in psoriatic lesions. The finding could lead to better understanding ...


3D map reveals DNA organization within human retina cells

National Eye Institute researchers mapped the organization of human retinal cell chromatin, the fibers that package 3 billion nucleotide-long DNA molecules into compact structures that fit into chromosomes within each cell's ...

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