
Scientists discover how we sense 'stiffness'

Every day, people use their hands effortlessly to assess an object's stiffness, like the ripeness of a piece of fruit. For the first time an international team of scientists led by University College London, have discovered ...


The language of senses

Sight, touch and hearing are our windows to the world: these sensory channels send a constant flow of information to the brain, which acts to sort out and integrate these signals, allowing us to perceive the world and interact ...


How the brain deals with limited sensory input

Suppose you woke up in your bedroom with the lights off and wanted to get out. While heading toward the door with your arms out, you would predict the distance to the door based on your memory of your bedroom and the steps ...


Researchers track how brain routes visual signals

Understanding how the brain manages to process the deluge of information about the outside world has been a daunting challenge. In a recent study in the journal Cell Reports, Yale's Michael Higley and Jessica Cardin from ...

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