
Mapping the path from smell to perception

Our sense of smell has a powerful effect on our behavior and emotions. Aromas can evoke vivid memories of the past or warn us of a smoldering fire. Yet to neuroscientists, smell remains the most mysterious of our five senses.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Three reasons why strong perfumes give you a headache

Humans can smell over 1 trillion odours. But no two people will react in quite the same way to the same smell. While there are some smells almost everyone agrees are unpleasant (such as paint thinner or rotten food), our ...


New study IDs what brings our senses and thoughts together

Our ability to think, decide, remember recent events and more, comes from our brain's neocortex. Now University of California, Irvine neuroscientists have discovered key aspects of the mechanisms behind these functions. Their ...

Medical research

Scientists eavesdrop on communication between fat and brain

What did the fat say to the brain? For years, it was assumed that hormones passively floating through the blood were the way that a person's fat—called adipose tissue—could send information related to stress and metabolism ...

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