
Key steps for global health, climate post-COP28

Researchers from the Monash Sustainable Development Institute have published a research paper that details how the global health community can play an integral role in decision-making and action to address climate change.

Autism spectrum disorders

New UK report reveals autism assessment and support crisis

A report published today (Friday 2 February) by the Child of the North initiative—led by the N8 Research Partnership and former Children's Commissioner Anne Longfield's new Center for Young Lives think tank, reveals a crisis ...

Oncology & Cancer

I've just been diagnosed with cancer, now what?

In one pivotal instant your life has changed and there will be no turning back. How will you accept, adjust and adapt to being "someone who has cancer"?


UK: Tens of thousands of doctors kick off 3-day strike

Tens of thousands of junior doctors went on strike across England on Monday to demand better pay, kicking off three days of widespread disruption at the U.K.'s state-funded hospitals and health clinics.

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