
A new targeted treatment calms the cytokine storm

Cytokines are chemical messengers that help the body get rid of invading bacteria and viruses, and control inflammation. The body carefully balances cytokines because they help keep the immune system healthy. However, this ...

Medical research

Abnormal bone formation after trauma explained and reversed in mice

Hip replacements, severe burns, spinal cord injuries, blast injuries, traumatic brain injuries—these seemingly disparate traumas can each lead to a painful complication during the healing process called heterotopic ossification. ...


Gene flux can foretell survival for trauma patients

The onset of inflammation and infection in a person recovering from a trauma such as a car accident or severe burns can be as deadly as the incident itself. New findings from Princeton University researchers who studied gene ...

Medical research

Researchers identify proteins associated with deadly burns

Although many people still die from severe burns, the underlying physiology behind burns is not well understood. In an article published in iScience, researchers from Osaka University identified key proteins associated with ...

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