Medical research

Diagnosing and treating disorders of early sex development

Diagnosing, advising on and treating disorders of early sex development represent a huge medical challenge, both for those affected and for treating physicians. In contrast to the earlier view, DSD (Difference of Sex Development) ...


Age, not abstinence, may be the bigger problem in sex education

While abstaining from sex is the only foolproof way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, abstinence-only education programs often fail to prevent young people from engaging in sexual activity, according to ...


When sex development goes awry: Is it a girl or a boy?

Few conditions underscore the importance of bedside manner quite like differences and disorders of sex development (DSD). Doctors faced with DSD patients must collaborate to recommend tailored and timely management plans ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The biological origins of sexual orientation and gender identity

Male? Female? The distinction is not always clear. Exploring the scientific evidence for the biological origins of sexual orientation and gender identity must continue to both enhance patient care and fight discrimination.

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