Autism spectrum disorders

New study examines sexuality of people with autism

(HealthDay)—Adults with autism report a broad range of sexuality—being much more likely to identify as asexual, bisexual or homosexual than people without autism, a new study finds.


80 percent of US boys use condoms the first time

A surprising 80 percent of teenage boys say they are using condoms the first time they have sex, a government survey found in a powerful sign that decades of efforts to change young people's sexual behavior are taking hold.


Breaking sex education taboos in Africa to tackle AIDS

New research focusing on educating young people about sex and HIV/AIDS in Africa is using innovative techniques – such as ‘photo-voice’ and role-play – to discover what African children know about sex ...


Sex education: Why school and parents should work together

There is an ongoing debate in society about sex education. Now a study funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation suggests that the best approach is a combination of parents and school. And that using friends and the ...


Learning lessons from an HIV cure

For doctors confronting the AIDS epidemic, past ambitions always boiled down to two main goals: prevention, or finding ways to protect people not yet exposed to HIV, through vaccines, safe sex education or other means; and ...

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