Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why do women get more migraines?

Research published today reveals a potential mechanism for migraine causation which could explain why women get more migraines than men. The study, in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, suggests that sex hormones affect ...

Medical research

Scientists trigger hot flashes in female and male mice

By activating a single type of neuron, scientists triggered hot-flash-like symptoms in mice. In the July 10 issue of Cell Reports, researchers show that so-called Kiss1 neurons in the hypothalamus that project to a brain ...


Sex hormone levels alter heart disease risk in older women

In an analysis of data collected from more than 2,800 women after menopause, Johns Hopkins researchers report new evidence that a higher proportion of male to female sex hormones was associated with a significant increased ...

Oncology & Cancer

New drug target to combat prostate cancer

A study by an international team of researchers from University Children's Hospital Bern and the Autonomous University of Barcelona has discovered how the production of specific human sex hormones known as androgens is interrupted. ...


Guideline urges hormone test for women with unwanted hair

(HealthDay)—Women with dark, coarse hair growth on the face, chest or back should be tested for polycystic ovary syndrome and other underlying health problems, a new Endocrine Society guideline says.

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